Wednesday 15 May 2024 - 21:53

Zionist Regime Labels UN as ‘Terrorist’ Organization

Story Code : 1135373
Zionist Regime Labels UN as ‘Terrorist’ Organization
Despite the massacre of more than 35,000 Gazans, including children and women, Erdan in an interview with Israeli media on Wednesday said that the United Nations has become a terrorist organization itself.

The Zionist regime's official, who recently shredded the UN Charter in a shredder to protest a UN General Assembly resolution recognizing the state of Palestine, took a strong position against the UN in the interview.

Despite pressure from the Zionists and its supporters, the UN General Assembly voted 143 in favor, nine against, and 25 abstentions for full membership of Palestine at the United Nations.

Erdan claimed, "Since Israel withdrew from Gaza, the United Nations has been cooperating with and covering up Hamas, and the secretary-general quickly condemns Israel for every issue that is published."